Feet are one of the main parts of our body. It is also the most neglected part, somehow we always keep forgetting to attend to it and most times only when we end up hurting it. Our feet carry our weight throughout the day, throughout our lives irrespective of how much weight we put on, they still continue to carry us tirelessly, even when we squeeze them into tight shoes and ridiculous heels, they still cooperate with us and stand by us literally. All of this pressure on our feet ends up in problems if we do not take out time to care for them. One of the common problems feet have is the nail fungus infection.
This infection occurs when bacteria in the nail or rather underneath the nail bed grows excessively and affects the nail. Normally this bacteria exists without causing problems. It is only when the environment it lives in becomes more humid, wet and moist that the bacteria starts to flourish in excess. Then you make to do fungal nail treatment. This makes the nail go brittle, yellow, or thicken and go cloudy. The nail starts to crumble in pieces and in a severe case get more infected.
The nail fungus occurs in places like the pool, gym, steam room, improper hygiene basically when the feet constantly remain wet especially the nails, people who work in the laundry room or in wet surroundings where their feet are constantly immersed in water are also prone to this infection. There are fungal nail treatments, earlier there were prescriptions for pills to treat the fungus, but these mostly would have side effects of liver damage. There is a new toenail fungus treatment done by laser. This effectively kills the bacteria without damaging the nail, and without having side effects on the organs in the body.
It takes a couple of sessions and results vary from individual to individual. But the success rate here is much higher than with the pills. Post care treatment is very important, to prevent the nail from getting infected again. Feet must be cared for, by washing them thoroughly and wiping them dry, using a disinfectant in the water when washing feet is recommended. Pedicures are another way to ensure all debris is scrubbed and dug out of the nail. Proper hygiene must be maintained. Once nail fungus has been treated, it takes up to a whole year for the healthy new nail to emerge.
There are homeopathic treatments for toenail removal fungus which result in quick toenail fungus cures. Many of these treatments contain special oils which are perfectly natural and safe. After that, people can learn how to prevent the fungus from coming back again.
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